With 16 years of experience in providing EAP counselling, consulting, training and supports services to the employees of organisations and businesses in Australia, Diana Sheehan and James Sheehan decided to launch Daly & Ritchie Consulting. Why? Because we believe in productive, innovative and healthy workplaces.
Our experience extends to corporate, industrial and government sector organisations. We have a strong focus on assisting organisation for several reasons: 1) working with management to help in building leadership capabilities, 2) to provide a primary proactive service that aids in the reduction of psychological risk and 3) to provide ongoing support through professional development programs.
We welcome the opportunity to talk to you more about our services and programs. Please reach out to Daly & Ritchie on 1300 84 44 33 or email support@dalyritchie.com.au
The multi-disciplinary team at Daly & Ritchie is tertiary qualified and experienced in assisting people in the areas of identifying and managing psychosocial hazards, psychological and mental health safety, mental health leadership, training and development and employee assistance provider (EAP) programs. Our professional team consists of:
clinical psychologists
tertiary qualified counsellors
social workers
leadership consultants
WORK health safety consultants
financial coaches
career counsellors
mental health first aid instructor
trainers and facilitators
executive coaches